
Bloomberry's Providence Shower

Some pictures at last! Part 2 - I'll post the rest of the onesies shortly. In the meantime, a snapshot recap of the day . . . 

 Festive flags decorated everything from food, flowers to games.

 Pictures of me and Una as babies and little kids were scattered throughout. Above is one of Jon and his sister, Ashley. No doubt he's hysterically laughing at something he said. 

 Candy for the sweets maniac (moi).

 The blank onesies hung across the fireplace and windows, ready for decoration. That's Una again on top of the mantle.

 Baby photos and food. That pic to the right might be one of my all-time favorites. Una was the spitting image of a balding, elderly man for the first few weeks of his life.


 Checking out the "Nose Frida Snot Shot," the newest in baby de-snotting tools.

 Mother- and sister-in-laws

Bloomberry's great grandmother, Meems, telling me about my uncle Charlie's birth (hence the serious expression). She's going to be 93 - looking fabulous!

 One of the 'games' - guessing which baby photo matched which guest. As the sole attendee who knew every person in the room, one would assume I should have won. In fact, the two pictures that left me clueless were . . . my sister and sister in law. 
I mean, really

 The youngest attendee, and better behaved than some other, much older guests. A-hem.
(Just kidding.)

My  mom and sisters, hosts of the wonderful party. 
You can see that I clearly won the tanning contest while in the Bahamas.

Thank you everyone who came!

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