
Donna Martin Graduate!

09-02-10: Ah, the days of Brenda, Dylan, Kelly and "if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck." 

I remember my friend Kara meeting Jason Priestley at a mall signing (!) in 5th grade and being beyond jealous. Though I had equal crushes on Dylan (as the bad boy) and Brandon (cuter face), hands down my two favorite characters were Brandon's nutjob girlfriend, Emily and the original queen bitch, Brenda. Along with Dr. Kimberly Shaw of Melrose Place (Marcia Cross's miraculous survival from a car crash and the stupendous scene of her removing her wig in the bathroom remains one of my top 5 TV moments), these characters hold a dear place in my immature, pre-pubescent training bra, er heart. 

90210 covered some serious stuff for a middle schooler like me. Remember the episode about the girl who was sexually assaulted by the football team? Accidental suicide, gay rights, date rape . . . pretty impressive for a show that's mainly remembered for hideous clothing and Donna Martin's horrendous boob job. I loved it anyway.

Happy birthday, 90210!

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